Kansas Rural Small Business
Kansas Rural Small Businesses are invited to participate in this forum by posting a comment on a subject of interest to them or by making a comment on someone else’s remarks. This is an interactive site designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas. Think of it as your Community Bulletin Board, a place to compare notes on business-related subjects. Consider the issues that are specific to the region in which you are located in Kansas (small towns, inability to purchase in bulk, large population centers close-by, big box chains nearby, etc.) and how to overcome these obstacles.
Describe your experiences and share how you have resolved unique problems. If you have had a particularly difficult matter in your small business, maybe someone else online has had the same issue and found a workable solution.
Give us examples and descriptions of projects that you are working on. Everybody likes to hear what others are doing in order to gain a fresh perspective.
You can exchange ideas by posting on any small business subject including any retail information/suggestions that you would like to pass on to other small businesses (i.e. ways to attract more business, handling the customers, dealing with the IRS, business software programs you are using successfully, etc.). This is all about sharing with others on what works and what doesn’t. Give us your views and post feedback on comments that others have made.
You could also share website addresses that have information that you think would be of interest to others.
Post any innovative ideas you may have to increase economic activity in the State of Kansas (i.e. designing co-operative purchasing associations by state, region, or county, different type of distribution systems, and so on).
Use the site to make announcements of local events (i.e. sales, special church functions) and community events (i.e. fairs, rodeos, trade shows, 4-H events, festivals, arts and crafts shows, etc.). Events that are specific to the region you are in.